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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
mollit anim id est laborum.
mollit anim id est laborum.
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (6 shots)
- Gallery (2 photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted once a month on one social media channel
- Link to website
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (8 shots)
- Gallery (4 photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted 2 x a month on two social media channels
- Link to website
- Link to one social media page (by icon)
- 1 Video Upload
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (6 shots)
- Gallery (7 Photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted 3 x month on 3 social media channels, or 4 channels if you have all 3 markers
- Link to website
- Link to 2 social media pages (by icons)
- 2 Video Uploads
- Trusted Booking Payment Provider Scheme Link
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
mollit anim id est laborum.
mollit anim id est laborum.
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (6 shots)
- Gallery (2 photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted once a month on one social media channel
- Link to website
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (8 shots)
- Gallery (4 photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted 2 x a month on two social media channels
- Link to website
- Link to one social media page (by icon)
- 1 Video Upload
6 months
1 year
- Page listing (determined by gender of clients)
- INCLUSIVE photoshoot (6 shots)
- Gallery (7 Photos)
- Contact details
- Promoted 3 x month on 3 social media channels, or 4 channels if you have all 3 markers
- Link to website
- Link to 2 social media pages (by icons)
- 2 Video Uploads
- Trusted Booking Payment Provider Scheme Link